Friday, December 11, 2009

warning! this article is about taharas hamishpacha. article:,2066945/Making-A-Baby.html#articlepage.

these 2 paragraphs *aren't* (theyre soooo interesting) but they do refer to it. if u have issues, dont continue. if you dont:

According to Chassidic sources,3 both Yitzchak, the patriarch of the Jews, and Chavakuk, the son of the Shunamit4 were born with souls from alma d’nukva or the feminine realm. It is interesting that both were born through extraordinary, holy circumstances, and even so, as men created from a feminine realm, they were lacking an essential spiritual component necessary for masculine life.

It would likewise take the extraordinary, transformative experiences of the akeda, and the death-and-revival (techiyas hamesim) of the Shunamit’s son, for their souls to be made whole. The unnatural conditions by which these individuals were conceived would require “correction”5 later in life.


The “garments” of the soul, as described in the Zohar, that are affected by the circumstances of conception may benefit and be healed by absorbing holy images. In anticipation of these confusing times, when Jewish life is so misunderstood and neglected, and children are born with all sorts of unwanted and unwarranted factors, Chassidism offered an antidote in the practice of Chitat—an acronym for Chumash (Torah), Tehillim (Psalms) and Tanya.

Just by reading the words, by absorbing the images of those letters and those words and those paragraphs in daily segments, the negative repercussions of assisted reproduction may be corrected. The Torah letters—the letters of the Chumash, the revealed part of Torah, heals the outer layer; the Tehillim, composed of David’s heartfelt outpouring, heals the heart; the Tanya—the esoteric, or deeper layer, heals the soul.

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